#Repost @fondation_edf 
📢 On vous donne rendez-vous le 12 mars pour notre nouvelle exposition « Ce que l’horizon promet » !
Plongez dans l’imaginaire de 27 artistes français et internationaux qui interrogent notre rapport à l’avenir, entre croyance et rationalité, incertitude et maîtrise.
Une traversée au ❤️ de nos projections et de nos anticipations, et une rencontre entre art et science, portée par le regard croisé d’un commissariat collectif :
👉 Samantha Barroero, commissaire indépendante
👉 Nathalie Bazoche, responsable du Pôle culture, Fondation groupe EDF
👉 Gérald Bronner, sociologue, professeur à Sorbonne Université
👉 Erell Guégan, doctorante en sociologie
📆 À voir du 12 mars au 28 septembre 2025 !
🎟️ Entrée gratuite, sur réservation (en bio)
📍Fondation groupe EDF, 6 rue Juliette Récamier, 75007 Paris
Tom Barbagli @tombarbagli
Benoit Barbagli @benoitbarbagli
William S. Burroughs
Mircea Cantor @mirceacantor
Didier Clain @didierclainstudio
Anthony Cudahy @anthonycudahy
Mounir Fatmi @mounirfatmiofficiel
Alice Gauthier @alice__gauthier
Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige @hadjithomasjoreigestudio 
Dorothy Iannone 
Zdenẽk Košek
Agnieszka Kurant @agnieszka.kurant
Ange Leccia @angeleccia
Gérald Panighi @geraldpanighi 
Philippe Ramette @philippe_ramette 
Christine Rebet @christine.rebet 
Evariste Richer @evaristericher
Brognon Rollin @brognonrollin
Franck Scurti @franckscurti 
Pierrick Sorin @pierrick.sorin
Márcia Tiburi @marciatiburi_, Fernanda Bueno @fernandabbueno & Catarina Gushiken @catarina_gushiken 
Morgane Tschiember @morganetschiember
Ben Vautier @vautierben
Visuel exposition > @tombarbagli 
Conception graphique > @nclstd avec @mariefaverot
Motions > Conception graphique : @nclstd avec @eduardogs_graphic 
Scéno > @soplo_scenographies

#Repost @fondation_edf
📢 On vous donne rendez-vous le 12 mars pour notre nouvelle exposition « Ce que l’horizon promet » !
Plongez dans l’imaginaire de 27 artistes français et internationaux qui interrogent notre rapport à l’avenir, entre croyance et rationalité, incertitude et maîtrise.
Une traversée au ❤️ de nos projections et de nos anticipations, et une rencontre entre art et science, portée par le regard croisé d’un commissariat collectif :
👉 Samantha Barroero, commissaire indépendante
👉 Nathalie Bazoche, responsable du Pôle culture, Fondation groupe EDF
👉 Gérald Bronner, sociologue, professeur à Sorbonne Université
👉 Erell Guégan, doctorante en sociologie
📆 À voir du 12 mars au 28 septembre 2025 !
🎟️ Entrée gratuite, sur réservation (en bio)
📍Fondation groupe EDF, 6 rue Juliette Récamier, 75007 Paris

Tom Barbagli @tombarbagli
Benoit Barbagli @benoitbarbagli
William S. Burroughs
Mircea Cantor @mirceacantor
Didier Clain @didierclainstudio
Anthony Cudahy @anthonycudahy
Mounir Fatmi @mounirfatmiofficiel
Alice Gauthier @alice__gauthier
Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige @hadjithomasjoreigestudio
Dorothy Iannone
Zdenẽk Košek
Agnieszka Kurant @agnieszka.kurant
Ange Leccia @angeleccia
Gérald Panighi @geraldpanighi
Philippe Ramette @philippe_ramette
Christine Rebet @christine.rebet
Evariste Richer @evaristericher
Brognon Rollin @brognonrollin
Franck Scurti @franckscurti
Pierrick Sorin @pierrick.sorin
Márcia Tiburi @marciatiburi_, Fernanda Bueno @fernandabbueno & Catarina Gushiken @catarina_gushiken
Morgane Tschiember @morganetschiember
Ben Vautier @vautierben

Visuel exposition > @tombarbagli
Conception graphique > @nclstd avec @mariefaverot
Motions > Conception graphique : @nclstd avec @eduardogs_graphic
Scéno > @soplo_scenographies

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NEW ACQUISITION ✨ We are thrilled that our video « There is more to it than Beats and Feathers » just entered the @fraciledefrance Art Collection 🇫🇷

« There is more to it than Beats and Feathers », 2022-2023
Video color, sound
9 min 44 sec 

The tutorial has become an effective weapon to evade censure on social networks. Used by oppressed groups as a digital Trojan horse, the most anodyne video thus turns into the ideal vehicle to convey a message of resistance, safe from the prying eyes of government robots.
The northern cardinal is a common bird on the American continent. For Native Americans it symbolises the ancestors who went before them; they use its glowing plumage as a decorative design in a spirituality as timeless as the creation of humanity.
The soft voice of Hope Craig-Corlew offers to initiate us into making a pair of earrings with a cardinal design. Step by step the instructional images follow one another; word by word, the narration calmly diverges from its initial subject to tell another story, still relevant: the chilling history of oppression.

 « The movement of the Indian people will continue to go on. We have been made indestructible! Today the younger generation of my people stands up in pride of the Indian people. No more are we going to stand around and watch these bills go by. We’re not going to have this any more. We are going to continue to march! This is not the end of The Longest Walk! 
We are going to continue to walk, and walk, and walk until we find freedom for all the Native people! And I will remind you, you may not be an Indian, but you better join us. Your life is at stake. Your survival depends on this. »
-Phillip Deere, Mvskoke Elder, “An Understood Law, 1978”

With the exceptional collaboration of @hopecorlew , United American Indian Involvement @uaii_inc , Maddie Sanders - Wotko Moon, LLC, @holatte, Mvskoke Nation, The Deere Family and Phillip Deere Foundation
Beading: @holatte 
Sound: @ant1bert1 
Text: @anthony_van_den_bossche 

#brognonrollin #video #contemporaryart #beading #beadingtutorial #cardinalbird #natives #phillipdeere #mvskoke #native #tribalsovereignty

NEW ACQUISITION ✨ We are thrilled that our video « There is more to it than Beats and Feathers » just entered the @fraciledefrance Art Collection 🇫🇷

« There is more to it than Beats and Feathers », 2022-2023
Video color, sound
9 min 44 sec

The tutorial has become an effective weapon to evade censure on social networks. Used by oppressed groups as a digital Trojan horse, the most anodyne video thus turns into the ideal vehicle to convey a message of resistance, safe from the prying eyes of government robots.
The northern cardinal is a common bird on the American continent. For Native Americans it symbolises the ancestors who went before them; they use its glowing plumage as a decorative design in a spirituality as timeless as the creation of humanity.
The soft voice of Hope Craig-Corlew offers to initiate us into making a pair of earrings with a cardinal design. Step by step the instructional images follow one another; word by word, the narration calmly diverges from its initial subject to tell another story, still relevant: the chilling history of oppression.

« The movement of the Indian people will continue to go on. We have been made indestructible! Today the younger generation of my people stands up in pride of the Indian people. No more are we going to stand around and watch these bills go by. We’re not going to have this any more. We are going to continue to march! This is not the end of The Longest Walk!
We are going to continue to walk, and walk, and walk until we find freedom for all the Native people! And I will remind you, you may not be an Indian, but you better join us. Your life is at stake. Your survival depends on this. »
-Phillip Deere, Mvskoke Elder, “An Understood Law, 1978”

With the exceptional collaboration of @hopecorlew , United American Indian Involvement @uaii_inc , Maddie Sanders – Wotko Moon, LLC, @holatte, Mvskoke Nation, The Deere Family and Phillip Deere Foundation
Beading: @holatte
Sound: @ant1bert1
Text: @anthony_van_den_bossche

#brognonrollin #video #contemporaryart #beading #beadingtutorial #cardinalbird #natives #phillipdeere #mvskoke #native #tribalsovereignty

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Au revoir Mcb. 💔💔
Merci d’avoir changé nos vies !


Au revoir Mcb. 💔💔
Merci d’avoir changé nos vies !


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Thank you Thank you Thank you ❤️
All of you made ‘Templates of Chance’ a reality 

Curator: @maoliosaboyle 
Production Manager: @joyce.dunne 
Senior Technician: Hugh McCarthy
Assistant Technician: Paul Heary
Technical Development: Radek Pater and Agnieszka Kozioł, Eidotech
Videographer @eamo.ie 
Photographer @juliette.rowland 
Magic : @rua_magician 
Token Design @nynketynagel 
Token production: Des Hurley
Straw marquetry: @lucierichardbijoux 
Essay @marc.donnadieu 
Text by @anthony_van_den_bossche 
Designers: Rossi McAuley and Jenny Leahy

🙏🏼 @rua_red fantastic team !!! Guys you are the best ❤️
🙏🏼 Participants from Jobstown Assisting Drug Dependency (JADD); Mick Duff @duff.mick ; senator_lynn_ruane ; Jacqueline Sheehy, Pat Clifford, Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force SDCP; Tom Jenner, Technical University Dublin – Tallaght Campus
🙏🏼 The Arts Council of Ireland, Valérie Quilez International Director of @kulturlx – Arts Council Luxembourg, South Dublin County Council Arts Office and Creative Ireland. 
🙏🏼 « Private donor, in memory of Seán O’Donnell 
🙏🏼 llr Guss O Connell- Chair of the SPC AND Rua Red Board of Directors
🙏🏼 Paul Fusco County Librarian, Rua Red Board of Directors
🙏🏼 Florence Ensch The Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Exhibition continues until 30 August.
All Welcome. Admission Free. ✨✨

Thank you Thank you Thank you ❤️
All of you made ‘Templates of Chance’ a reality

Curator: @maoliosaboyle
Production Manager: @joyce.dunne
Senior Technician: Hugh McCarthy
Assistant Technician: Paul Heary
Technical Development: Radek Pater and Agnieszka Kozioł, Eidotech
Videographer @eamo.ie
Photographer @juliette.rowland
Magic : @rua_magician
Token Design @nynketynagel
Token production: Des Hurley
Straw marquetry: @lucierichardbijoux
Essay @marc.donnadieu
Text by @anthony_van_den_bossche
Designers: Rossi McAuley and Jenny Leahy

🙏🏼 @rua_red fantastic team !!! Guys you are the best ❤️
🙏🏼 Participants from Jobstown Assisting Drug Dependency (JADD); Mick Duff @duff.mick ; senator_lynn_ruane ; Jacqueline Sheehy, Pat Clifford, Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force SDCP; Tom Jenner, Technical University Dublin – Tallaght Campus
🙏🏼 The Arts Council of Ireland, Valérie Quilez International Director of @kulturlx – Arts Council Luxembourg, South Dublin County Council Arts Office and Creative Ireland.
🙏🏼 « Private donor, in memory of Seán O’Donnell
🙏🏼 llr Guss O Connell- Chair of the SPC AND Rua Red Board of Directors
🙏🏼 Paul Fusco County Librarian, Rua Red Board of Directors
🙏🏼 Florence Ensch The Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Exhibition continues until 30 August.
All Welcome. Admission Free. ✨✨

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Opening tonight ✨✨✨ « Templates of Chance » @rua_red , Dublin 🇮🇪
Overcoming addiction is a slow and personal process, involving all our strengths and vulnerabilities. Relapse is not a failure, but a necessary part of the long journey towards change.
During a series of conversations with the Drug & Alcohol Task Force in Tallaght, it became clear that people needed a physical symbol for this journey, to visualise and hold in their hand the path they’ve travelled. These tokens represent victorious moments: 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, 6 months, and perhaps most importantly, the first day—the day of decision and action (« Take the risk or lose the chance »).
Five tokens were designed, each stamped with symbolic figures and mantras collected from meetings with those on their journeys to recovery. The lighthouse, the anchor, the mirror... These tokens are now given in exchange for significant personal achievements in Tallaght’s communities.
In a video installation, these tokens are entrusted to Rua @rua_magician a magician and Dubliner who excels in manipulation and deception. With his sleight of hand, he plays with our expectations; the time-charged metal vanishes at his will. When his hands are bound, gravity takes over. Appearing and disappearing from the world, becoming present or fading away.

Curator: @maoliosaboyle 
Production Manager: @joyce.dunne 
Senior Technician: Hugh McCarthy
Assistant Technician: Paul Heary
Technical Development: Radek Pater and Agnieszka Kozioł, Eidotech
Videographer @eamo.ie 
Photographer @juliette.rowland 
Token Design @nynketynagel 
Token production: Des Hurley
Essay @marc.donnadieu 
Text by @anthony_van_den_bossche 
Designers: Rossi McAuley and Jenny Leahy

🙏🏼 Participants from Jobstown Assisting Drug Dependency (JADD); Mick Duff; Lynn Ruane; Jacqueline Sheehy, Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force SDCP; Tom Jenner, Technical University Dublin – Tallaght Campus
🙏🏼 The Arts Council of Ireland, @kulturlx – Arts Council Luxembourg, South Dublin County Council Arts Office and Creative Ireland. 
🙏🏼 « Private donor, in memory of Seán O’Donnell »

Opening tonight ✨✨✨ « Templates of Chance » @rua_red , Dublin 🇮🇪

Overcoming addiction is a slow and personal process, involving all our strengths and vulnerabilities. Relapse is not a failure, but a necessary part of the long journey towards change.

During a series of conversations with the Drug & Alcohol Task Force in Tallaght, it became clear that people needed a physical symbol for this journey, to visualise and hold in their hand the path they’ve travelled. These tokens represent victorious moments: 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, 6 months, and perhaps most importantly, the first day—the day of decision and action (« Take the risk or lose the chance »).

Five tokens were designed, each stamped with symbolic figures and mantras collected from meetings with those on their journeys to recovery. The lighthouse, the anchor, the mirror… These tokens are now given in exchange for significant personal achievements in Tallaght’s communities.

In a video installation, these tokens are entrusted to Rua @rua_magician a magician and Dubliner who excels in manipulation and deception. With his sleight of hand, he plays with our expectations; the time-charged metal vanishes at his will. When his hands are bound, gravity takes over. Appearing and disappearing from the world, becoming present or fading away.

Curator: @maoliosaboyle
Production Manager: @joyce.dunne
Senior Technician: Hugh McCarthy
Assistant Technician: Paul Heary
Technical Development: Radek Pater and Agnieszka Kozioł, Eidotech
Videographer @eamo.ie
Photographer @juliette.rowland
Token Design @nynketynagel
Token production: Des Hurley
Essay @marc.donnadieu
Text by @anthony_van_den_bossche
Designers: Rossi McAuley and Jenny Leahy

🙏🏼 Participants from Jobstown Assisting Drug Dependency (JADD); Mick Duff; Lynn Ruane; Jacqueline Sheehy, Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force SDCP; Tom Jenner, Technical University Dublin – Tallaght Campus
🙏🏼 The Arts Council of Ireland, @kulturlx – Arts Council Luxembourg, South Dublin County Council Arts Office and Creative Ireland.
🙏🏼 « Private donor, in memory of Seán O’Donnell »

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SAVE THE DATE ✨✨✨ Next solo show « Templates of Chance » Starts June 7th @rua_red, Dublin 🇮🇪
Overcoming addiction is a slow and personal process, involving all our strengths and vulnerabilities. Relapse is not a failure, but a necessary part of the long journey towards change.
During a series of conversations with the Drug & Alcohol Task Force in Tallaght, it became clear that people needed a physical symbol for this journey, to visualise and hold in their hand the path they’ve travelled. These tokens represent victorious moments: 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, 6 months, and perhaps most importantly, the first day—the day of decision and action (« Take the risk or lose the chance »).
Five tokens were designed, each stamped with symbolic figures and mantras collected from meetings with those on their journeys to recovery. The lighthouse, the anchor, the mirror... These tokens are now given in exchange for significant personal achievements in Tallaght’s communities.
In a video installation, these tokens are entrusted to Rua @rua_magician a magician and Dubliner who excels in manipulation and deception. With his sleight of hand, he plays with our expectations; the time-charged metal vanishes at his will. When his hands are bound, gravity takes over. Appearing and disappearing from the world, becoming present or fading away.

Curator: @maoliosaboyle 
Production Manager: @joyce.dunne 
Senior Technician: Hugh McCarthy
Assistant Technician: Paul Heary
Technical Development: Radek Pater and Agnieszka Kozioł, Eidotech
Videographer @eamo.ie 
Photographer @juliette.rowland 
Token Design @nynketynagel 
Token production: Des Hurley
Essay @marc.donnadieu 
Text by @anthony_van_den_bossche 
Designers: Rossi McAuley and Jenny Leahy

🙏🏼 Participants from Jobstown Assisting Drug Dependency (JADD); Mick Duff; Lynn Ruane; Jacqueline Sheehy, Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force SDCP; Tom Jenner, Technical University Dublin – Tallaght Campus
🙏🏼 The Arts Council of Ireland, @kulturlx – Arts Council Luxembourg, South Dublin County Council Arts Office and Creative Ireland. 
🙏🏼 « Private donor, in memory of Seán O’Donnell »

SAVE THE DATE ✨✨✨ Next solo show « Templates of Chance » Starts June 7th @rua_red, Dublin 🇮🇪

Overcoming addiction is a slow and personal process, involving all our strengths and vulnerabilities. Relapse is not a failure, but a necessary part of the long journey towards change.

During a series of conversations with the Drug & Alcohol Task Force in Tallaght, it became clear that people needed a physical symbol for this journey, to visualise and hold in their hand the path they’ve travelled. These tokens represent victorious moments: 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, 6 months, and perhaps most importantly, the first day—the day of decision and action (« Take the risk or lose the chance »).

Five tokens were designed, each stamped with symbolic figures and mantras collected from meetings with those on their journeys to recovery. The lighthouse, the anchor, the mirror… These tokens are now given in exchange for significant personal achievements in Tallaght’s communities.

In a video installation, these tokens are entrusted to Rua @rua_magician a magician and Dubliner who excels in manipulation and deception. With his sleight of hand, he plays with our expectations; the time-charged metal vanishes at his will. When his hands are bound, gravity takes over. Appearing and disappearing from the world, becoming present or fading away.

Curator: @maoliosaboyle
Production Manager: @joyce.dunne
Senior Technician: Hugh McCarthy
Assistant Technician: Paul Heary
Technical Development: Radek Pater and Agnieszka Kozioł, Eidotech
Videographer @eamo.ie
Photographer @juliette.rowland
Token Design @nynketynagel
Token production: Des Hurley
Essay @marc.donnadieu
Text by @anthony_van_den_bossche
Designers: Rossi McAuley and Jenny Leahy

🙏🏼 Participants from Jobstown Assisting Drug Dependency (JADD); Mick Duff; Lynn Ruane; Jacqueline Sheehy, Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force SDCP; Tom Jenner, Technical University Dublin – Tallaght Campus
🙏🏼 The Arts Council of Ireland, @kulturlx – Arts Council Luxembourg, South Dublin County Council Arts Office and Creative Ireland.
🙏🏼 « Private donor, in memory of Seán O’Donnell »

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Au Mucem à partir du 12 janvier 2024 ✨✨

Un regard lumineux s’élèvera vers le ciel depuis le fort Saint-Jean.

Le duo d’artistes Brognon Rollin transformera la tour du Fanal en phare poétique, à travers lequel ils adresseront aux Marseillais un message de @poneofficiel 

Atteint de la maladie de Charcot depuis 2015, Pone l'iconique beatmaker de la Fonky Family est appareillé d’une technique informatique de calibrage oculaire. Avec ses yeux, il peut ainsi naviguer seul sur internet et communiquer avec ses proches, alors que la maladie le paralyse et le prive de sa voix.

En conversation avec lui, David Brognon et Stéphanie Rollin ont capté le mouvement de ses pupilles. Cet enregistrement numérique est connecté à la tour du Fanal. L’ancien phare reproduit fidèlement le mouvement des pupilles de Pone.

À voir jusqu’en juillet 2024 à la nuit tombée et au petit matin.

Cette installation a été soutenue par le programme @mondes_nouveaux du Ministère de la Culture @culture_gouv 

Commissariat @helia_paukner_mucem et Justine Bohbote

Dream team : @ant1bert1 @superbe.studio 

📷Brognon Rollin, Le Phare, 2022-2024 (simulation) © Mucem / Brognon Rollin / Julie Cohen

Au Mucem à partir du 12 janvier 2024 ✨✨

Un regard lumineux s’élèvera vers le ciel depuis le fort Saint-Jean.

Le duo d’artistes Brognon Rollin transformera la tour du Fanal en phare poétique, à travers lequel ils adresseront aux Marseillais un message de @poneofficiel

Atteint de la maladie de Charcot depuis 2015, Pone l`iconique beatmaker de la Fonky Family est appareillé d’une technique informatique de calibrage oculaire. Avec ses yeux, il peut ainsi naviguer seul sur internet et communiquer avec ses proches, alors que la maladie le paralyse et le prive de sa voix.

En conversation avec lui, David Brognon et Stéphanie Rollin ont capté le mouvement de ses pupilles. Cet enregistrement numérique est connecté à la tour du Fanal. L’ancien phare reproduit fidèlement le mouvement des pupilles de Pone.

À voir jusqu’en juillet 2024 à la nuit tombée et au petit matin.

Cette installation a été soutenue par le programme @mondes_nouveaux du Ministère de la Culture @culture_gouv

Commissariat @helia_paukner_mucem et Justine Bohbote

Dream team : @ant1bert1 @superbe.studio

📷Brognon Rollin, Le Phare, 2022-2024 (simulation) © Mucem / Brognon Rollin / Julie Cohen

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« Portrait d’un Collectionneur bu par l’Artiste (Damien Pierre), 2023
@thegoodolddayz 🧡
#brognonrollin #contemporaryart #coffee #portrait #collector #artcollector

« Portrait d’un Collectionneur bu par l’Artiste (Damien Pierre), 2023
@thegoodolddayz 🧡
#brognonrollin #contemporaryart #coffee #portrait #collector #artcollector

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Publication 18284651023177684 Instagram
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Our solo show « The Land and the Unfolded Map » until June 11th and the permanent artwork « Premiere Ligne ».
@hopecorlew @anael_lejeune @isabelle_de_longree @wotko.moon @holatte @granduchy @_markcorlew @ant1bert1 @_martinleroy_ @anthony_van_den_bossche 
@uaii_inc @kulturlx #neon #contemporaryart #brognonrollin #exhibition #artexhibition #art #videoart #museum #artmuseum #collector #artcollector #curator

Our solo show « The Land and the Unfolded Map » until June 11th and the permanent artwork « Premiere Ligne ».
@hopecorlew @anael_lejeune @isabelle_de_longree @wotko.moon @holatte @granduchy @_markcorlew @ant1bert1 @_martinleroy_ @anthony_van_den_bossche
@uaii_inc @kulturlx #neon #contemporaryart #brognonrollin #exhibition #artexhibition #art #videoart #museum #artmuseum #collector #artcollector #curator

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